Half-Priced Transit Rides for Tweens & Teens Return This Summer

Franklin Transit announces the return of its summer Tweens and Teens promotion. Starting immediately youth, ages 12 to 18, can ride Franklin Transit’s fixed routes for half-price: one-way fares for 50-cents. Transit riders can maximize local intermodal transportation, as all fixed route transit vehicles are equipped with bicycle racks. The racks, designed for easy loading and unloading, are available at no extra charge.

With over 100+ stops, Tweens and Teens can go to Independence Square, Williamson County Rec Center, Downtown Factory, Galleria Mall, Wal-Mart, the Williamson County Library, Columbia State Community College, and so many more places.

“Our Tweens and Teens Summertime Special can save parents money, gas and time with their children riding Franklin’s public transit service throughout the city.” says Debbie Henry, TMA Group Executive Director.

Transit service runs Monday through Saturday. Franklin’s transit service provides safe, affordable and timely transportation. All youth must be 12 years of age or older to ride the transit service without an adult. Routes and schedules can be obtained by visiting: www.franklintransit.org or calling (615) 628-0260.

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