Franklin Transit Offers Free Rides on February 4 in Observance of Transit Equity Day, Celebrating Rosa Parks’ Birthday
Franklin, TN – Transit Equity Day is a national observance of action observed on February 4th to celebrate the life of Rosa Parks on her birthday. Franklin Transit Authority will honor Rosa Parks’ legacy to transit equity by offering Free Rides on all Franklin Transit Fixed Routes all day on Tuesday, February 4th.
Rosa Parks became a key figure in the Civil Rights movement when in 1955 she refused to give up her seat on a segregated public bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Her actions of brave defiance are considered a pivotal moment that helped spark the Civil Rights Movement that lead to the Montgomery bus boycott and the U.S. Supreme Court decision declaring segregation on buses unconstitutional.
“To bring about change, you must not be afraid to take the first step. We will fail when we fail to try.”
-Rosa Parks
For more information on routes, visit the website at or call (615) 628-0260. The TMA Group, a public-private partnership committed to providing environmentally friendly, affordable, reliable, and safe mobility options for Middle Tennesseans, manages the Franklin Transit on behalf of the Franklin Transit Authority.